The National Unity Platform President Robert Kyagulanyi has embarked on a new nationwide mobilization campaign that kicked off in Mbale District. Unlike previous campaigns aimed at drumming up support for his Presidential candidature, the current campaign is aimed at reinvigorating his image as the leader of the Opposition in Uganda.
Their is nothing wrong with all this aside from the fact that this is a purely stage managed attempt at inciting violent conflict with security forces ahead of the much anticipated anniversary of the November 2020 chaos that left scores dead on the streets.
Robert Kyagulanyi understands very well that he stands no chance in a noble and dignified political campaign against the ruling government. His supporters also identify best with violent confrontation. This is the same reason as to why the NUP has been in a war of words with other political parties most recent being the Democratic Party whom they accuse of being in bed with the NRM.
His Facebook wall is already littered with photos of police anti riot personnel that was deployed to keep security at this Mbale function. The purpose of this is to rally his supporters in other town councils and cities that he plans to visit and prepare them for a direct confrontation with the forces.
Kyagulanyi does not care about the lives of those that he has sacrificed in his search for power. He is a power hungry young man that will go as low as it gets in his pursuit. Since he lost the election earlier this year, no attempt has been made to challenge the government on principal. This is to prepare the stage for violence as we have seen n Masaka and recently in the Kampala bombings.
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