In the late night patrol across the greater Masaka region to stop and arrest the Bijambiya killers, police initiated a patrol on different routes to ensure the safety of the late road users and their night intentions.
The patrol involved different police commanders from the Greater Masaka and the added efforts from the joint security forces.
However, LOP Mathias Mpuuga through his tweet on his twitter account attacked the efforts of Police by alleging that Police decided to have a photoshoot along the Masaka streets showing off the motor cycles and the new uniforms.
This act from an opposition politician clearly shows efforts of the opposition politicians to demoralise the police and other security institutions to stop those executing the Bijambiya task and this is a clear indication of their involvement and fear to let their plans fail.
This further explains how the opposition politicians are taking advantage of their missions to achieve their goals on the expense of people’s lives and ready to fight whoever is ready to stop the vice.
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